【讲座预告】用“聚集法”研究语法演变:以20世纪澳大利亚英语为例(Aggregating Grammatical Change: A Case Study of 20th-century Australian English)
报告人:要新乐 十大网上赌博网站排名外国语学院英语系讲师
主持人:陈前瑞 十大网上赌博网站排名 教授
时 间:2018年9月26日周三下午两点。
地 点:人文楼720会议室
报告人简介:要新乐,博士毕业于澳大利亚新南威尔士大学。研究兴趣:英语语言变异、历史语言学、语料库语言学。近年发表多篇论文于English Language and Linguistics、English World-Wide、International Journal of Corpus Linguistics、Journal of English Linguistics、Linguistics等期刊,现主持国家社科基金项目一项。
Abstract: In this talk, I report on our recent aggregate study on overall developments of Australian English (AusE) grammar across the 20th century. We examined the distribution of 69 grammatical features which have previously been shown to be sensitive to regional variation and change over time. Multi-generic data was drawn from “AusBrown”, a set of balanced diachronic corpora following the design of the Brown family of corpora. Multidimensional scaling was employed to outline the developmental path of AusE in relation to those of British and American English in order to shed light on the possible emergence of regional patterns. The findings reveal the dominance of features contributing to the colloquialisation and densification. The period from the 1960s to the 1990s was found to be one critical for the evolution of AusE, preceded by a period of relative stagnation and followed by one characterised by a coalescence of the three varieties. Such a developmental path is largely compatible with significant sociohistorical trends that have shaped the language attitudes of Australians. This study may provide conceptual and methodological insights for studies of grammatical change in other languages and dialects.
十大网上赌博网站排名 语言学及应用语言学专业主办