【讲座】十大网上赌博网站排名 学术讲座预告
讲演人: 孔海立
美国科罗拉多大学比较文学博士,现为美国Swarthmore College 现代语言文学系教授
题目 : 《中国电影在美国》
地点 : 人文楼七层会议室
时间 : 2010年5月14日(周五)14:00-17:00
主持人: 杨恒达 潘天强 陈阳
邀请单位 : 十大网上赌博网站排名
1994 University of Colorado at Boulder
Ph.D. in Comparative Literature and Comparative Literature; Disertation title: An Unlucky Muse from Northeast China: A Study of Duanmu Hongliang during the War of Resistance
1982 Remin [People?s] University, Beijing, China M.A. in World Literatures
Teaching Experience
2008 - Professor of Chinese Language, Literature, and Film, SwarthmoreCollege
2000 – 2008 Associate Professor of Chinese, Swarthmore College
Publications (selected)
Books (Selected, all together 11 monographs and translations):
端木蕻良传 [Duanmu Hongliang]. Shanghai: Fudan University Press, 2010.
? The Sorrows of Egret Lake: Selected Stories of Duanmu Hongliang, (Chinese-English Bilingual Edition) Co-translated and co-edited with Howard Goldblatt. Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press of Hong Kong, 2009.
Beijing: from Imperial Capital to Olympic City, co-authored with Lillian M. Li and Alison Dray-Novey. New York & London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007. (mainly responsible for Chapters 6, 7, and 8, pp 171-262)
One Hundred Years of Chinese Cinema: A Generational Dialogue, co-edited with John A. Lent. Norwalk, CT: EastBridge Publishing Inc. 2006.
BA Jin. Ward Four: A Novel of Wartime China. Co-trans with Howard Goldblatt. San Francisco: China Books & Periodicals, 1999.
《忧郁的东北人﹕端木蕻良》(修订本,简体版) [The Melancholic Northeasterner: A Critical Biography of Duanmu Hongliang]. The revised and expanded edition. Shanghai: Shanghai Book Publishing Inc., 1999.
Articles in English and Chinese (Selected, all together 27 academic articles):
―Introduction,‖Goldblatt and Kong eds., The Sorrows of Egret Lake. (Hong Kong: Chinese University of Hong Kong Press, 2008).
―Foreword,‖Kong and Goldblatt trans., Ward Four. (San Francisco: China Books & Periodicals, 1999): 197-208.
―Afterword: Ba Jin and His Ward Four: A Novel of Wartime China,‖Kong and Goldblatt trans., Ward Four. (San Francisco: China Books & Periodicals, 1999): 197-208.
―Ba Jin,‖Paul E. Schellinger, ed., Encyclopedia of the Novel. (Chicago: Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers, 1999): 85-6.
―What Did Literary Patronage Mean to an Individualistic Writer in the 1930s: The Case of Duanmu Hongliang,‖Journal of Modern Literature in Chinese 2.1 (1998): 31-51.
Conference Papers and Invited Lectures (Selected, all together 33 academic articles):
2010 “Wong Kar-wai and Hong Kong Identity,” & “Closing Remarks,”
presented at ―China through the Modern Lens: A Pedagogy Workshop
on Teaching Chinese Cinema, Literature, and Culture‖at Smith College, Northampton (March)
“Beijing: The City of Walls,” invited lecture at Colorado College, Colorado Springs. (February) 2009 “The Abandoned Self in Jin Yi?s Early Short Stories,”
presented at the International Symposium on Jin Yi‘s Literary Career at His Centenary, Shanghai (October)
“Modern Chinese Literature in US,” Invited lecture at Suzhou University, China (October)
“Understanding China through the Cinematic Lens,” presented at the Eighth Annual Asia in the Curriculum Symposium, San Antonio, Texas (September)
“Time, Space, and Being: Wong Kar-wai?s Cinematic Hong Kong, invited Lecture at Trinity University, San Antonio, Taxes (September)
“Beijing and Shanghai: A Tale of Two Cities,” invited lecture at Suzhou University, China (July) 2008