第四届语言类型国际学术研讨会 论文征集通知(第一号)
由中国社会科学院语言研究所、《中国语文》编辑部、十大网上赌博网站排名 联合主办的“第四届语言类型学国际学术研讨会”将于2019年7月5日—7日在十大网上赌博网站排名召开。
本届会议主题为:1. 区域类型学;2. 历时类型学;3. 库藏类型学;4. 时体类型学;5. 定量类型学;6. 类型学研究的其他论题。
1. 提要截止日期:2018年12月31日。
2. 提要投寄邮箱:[email protected]
3. 提要要求:中文提要不少于1000字,英文提要不少于600词,中英文均不超过1页。标题宋体小三号字。正文宋体小四号(英文Times New Roman 12号),页面规格为A4。单倍行距,页边距均为2.5cm。提要一份匿名,另一份署名并括注单位、电子邮箱和联系电话。
4. 录用通知发出日期:2019年2月1日。
5. 未尽事宜将在后续通知中明确。欢迎咨询会议提要投寄邮箱。
The 4th International Symposium on Language Typology
We are glad to announce that the 4th International Symposium on Language Typology (ISLT-2019) will be held at School of Liberal Arts, Renmin University of China during July 5th -7th , 2019. It will be organized by the Institute of Linguistics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), Journal of Zhongguo Yuwen (Studies of the Chinese Language), and the School of Liberal Arts, Renmin University of China.
This year's themes will include:
● Areal Typology
● Diachronic Typology
● Linguistic Inventory Typology
● Tense-Aspect Typology
● Quantitative Typology
● Language Typology and related issues
We welcome abstract submissions from those who are interested in this symposium. The working language for this symposium will be Chinese or English. Abstracts submitted will be evaluated by the reviewing committee. We will notify you of the decision on Feb 1st, 2019.
Submission details:
1) Deadline: Dec 31st, 2018.
2) Abstracts submitted to: ( [email protected] )
3) Minimum requirements of word number: no less than 1000 words in Chinese; 600 words in English;
4) Abstract formats for Microsoft Word:
a) for Chinese: font style is Song; font size for heading is 15 pt and for body is 12 pt.
b) for English: font style should be Times New Roman; font size for heading is 16 pt and for body is 12 pt.
5) Two copies of abstract are required: one should be anonymous, and the other should include your name, contact email, phone number and affiliation.
Should you have any inquiry, please don’t hesitate to email us.
The Organizing Committee of ISLT-2019