



题  目:东亚和东南亚的区域语言学:基于中国境内四项语言接触个案的研究
      (Perspectives on Areal Linguistics of East and Southeast Asia: Four Studies of Language Contact in China)

主讲人:法国高等社会科学研究院讲座教授 Hilary Chappell

主持人:十大网上赌博网站排名 教授 陈前瑞

语  言:英语和汉语

时  间:2019年11月27日星期三下午3—5点

地  点:十大网上赌博网站排名人文楼二楼会议室

中文摘要:本次报告将在大陆东南亚语言区域特征的视角下,基于对中国境内以下四项语言接触个案的研究,论述东亚和东南亚区域语言学研究的相关问题: 1.青海甘肃语言区域;2.广西壮语、平话与粤语的语言接触; 3.海南回辉语与汉语的语言接触的结果;4.湘西瓦乡话演变的社会历史环境。报告将描述这四个微观语言区域所汇聚的共享特征,描述语言借用的类型。目的在于展示如何通过这四项微观研究获得对宏观视角的深入认识,并有助于提炼区域语言学研究的若干原则。

作者简介:Hilary Chappell教授,中文名曹茜蕾,法国高等社会科学研究院东亚语言研究所语言类型学讲座教授,欧洲科学院院士,中国语言多样性研究小组主任。曹茜蕾教授致力于开拓汉语类型学和汉语方言语法的对比描写,旨在探索汉语方言的多样性。在世界著名出版社合作或独立出版著作The grammar of inalienability: A typological perspective on body part terms and the part-whole relation;Sinitic grammar: Synchronic and diachronic perspectives;A grammar and lexicon of Hakka: Historical materials from the Basel Mission Library; Diversity in Sinitic Languages。正在撰写专著《汉语方言的类型学研究:形态和句法》。

英文摘要:In light of the areal features of Mainland East and Southeast Asia, four case studies of language contact will be treated in this presentation, three of which are located in former frontier areas of China. These are the following areas:

(i)Gansu-Qinghai Sprachbund in northwestern China where an enclave of different Northwestern 兰银官话 and Central Plains Mandarin languages 中原官话 reveals striking developments in their typological profile due to contact with Mongolic, Tibetan and Turkic languages.

(ii)Guangxi in the far south of China where Northern Zhuang (Kra-Dai) languages intermingle with western dialects of Yue 粤语 (Cantonese) and the little explored Pinghua Chinese 平话.

(iii)The island province of Hainan where Huihui 回辉话 (Tsat), an Austronesian language of the Chamic branch has undergone radical change under the impact of Sinitic languages, from both Jun Mandarin 军话 and Southern Min 闽南话

(iv)The final case study considers the Waxiang language spoken in Xiangxi prefecture in Hunan to show that interdialectal contact follows similar principles to the above three cases. The unusual development of this language in an isolated community is also traced.

It is only in recent decades that areal studies on contact-induced linguistic change have begun to examine the impact of Sinitic on unrelated languages, and to a lesser extent of non-Chinese languages on Sinitic. This talk will describe the types of borrowing as well as the resultant clustering of shared features which form these micro-areas. The objective is to show how these four micro-studies can shed light on the macro-perspective and, in this respect, contribute to refining the principles of areal linguistics.