【讲座预告】Nathan Hill教授:网络理论在汉语历史音韵学中的应用:押韵、谐声和反切
题 目:The Application of Network Theory to Chinese Historical Phonology: Rhymes, Xiesheng, and Fanqie
主讲人:英国伦敦大学亚非学院东亚语言与文化学院院长 Nathan Hill教授
主持人:十大网上赌博网站排名 高永安副教授
语 言:英语和汉语
时 间:2019年12月25日下午 14:00-16:00
地 点:十大网上赌博网站排名人文楼二层会议室
英文摘要:Network theory is an area of mathematics with great application in the modern world. For example, network theoretic techniques are used by social media companies to predict what school someone went to. Many aspects of traditional Chinese historical phonology are easy to model as networks. Rhymes can be edges that link rhyming words into a network. Fanqie chains are networks of characters that share the same initial or rhyme. Xiesheng series are networks of characters that have the same phonophoric component. This talk explores how these networks can be explicitly modeled and explored using formal techniques of network theory, leading to new insights and increasing rigor in the understanding of Chinese historical phonology.